Researching The Manor
Our focus during the initial development of our website, was on the 20th Century, in particular World War II and its aftermath.
Our focus during the initial development of our website, was on the 20th Century, in particular World War II and its aftermath.
This is the first of a number of articles about managers of the Half Moon Pub at Wilstone. We are still working on a timeline and comprehensive history but, in the meantime, some interesting stories are emerging. This first contribution describes and compares the experiences of two brave and capable women who were left on their own to run the Half Moon during the first and second World Wars.
This article is based on an interview with Nick Tyson who has recently joined our website team to increase our capability in the area of House Histories, with his specialist expertise in the area of historic buildings. The interview covers Nick’s unique experience in this topic as the Curator of a Heritage Centre. the challenges involved in this kind of research and the main contributions he can make to our website venture.
This article by one of our website’s original founders, Alan Warner, who describes the experiences and challenges when he moved from his familiar skill of writing, to the new and very different area of researching house histories. And how he was saved from embarrassment when the Cavalry rode in to save him.
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