In the Long Marston School’s “Scoop” magazine for the summer term 1940, the headmaster, Mr Gordon Savage, wrote: “Dig for Victory is an interesting and remunerating spare time occupation. Many of our London visitors are already keen gardeners and can dig a piece of ground that would not disgrace an adult allotment holder.
With half an acre now planted, we feel we are pulling our weight in no uncertain measure in the producing of Home Food Supplies.” I am told that the school garden was behind Long Marston vicarage, which was demolished for the building of Church View. An advertisement on the back cover of Scoop magazine announces that the school garden of half an acre will have large quantities of produce for disposal (presumably for sale!)
According to Freda Gower of Fleet Road School, writing news of the evacuees, in the summer of 1940 there were 30 evacuees left in Long Marston. Many had gone home. One girl was supposed to have gone home, but her mother took her to Aylesbury instead! Gardening was not the only activity enjoyed be these wartime schoolchildren. One Friday in June 1940 Long Marston School played a cricket match against Wingrave, and won.
by Eunice Hall