Village People
What I love about living in a village is its history: the landscape, the buildings and the people who made them.
What I love about living in a village is its history: the landscape, the buildings and the people who made them.
If the residents of Long Marston had been asked to isolate and not travel from their village less than 100 years ago, I don’t think many lives would have been affected.
Ethel was the youngest of three children and is the last of her generation. She was born at Elstree, but at a very young age the family moved to Ivinghoe.
The words community, our country, our world have been vary ill, have seen friends and family die, have had to face times of restriction, job losses, loneliness and so much more.
The Mead family have been farming in and around Wilstone since before 1860. Originally the Mead’s came out of London to produce hay and straw for the working horses of the city. Simon and Chris are the sixth eneration and things have changed a lot.
My great grandmother Orpah Maria Proctor was born in Gubblecote in 1876, one of eight children. Orpah married Joseph Edwards from Wilstone in 1899 and lived in the village for the rest of her life, ultimately at Mardew, now 66 Tring Road.
The Village Stores has held a central role in Wilstone village life for over 120 years. Early photographs show a large white building (known as
Frederick Ernest Cooper was born on the 20th January 1877 in the village of Harrold in Bedfordshire. His early upbringing would almost certainly have included helping out on Crow Hill Farm on which he lived with his farm labourer father Thomas and mother Elizabeth.
What else can be seen today of the former branch line to Aylesbury
Congratulations to Long Marston cricket club on their half-century at Marlins. When I was a child, Marlins was one of several areas of allotments in Long Marston, but by the early 1960s times had changed and people were no longer urged to “Dig for Victory” as they had been during WW2.
Sunday 13 March saw the official opening of the Tring Local History Museum, 17 years after the Tring & District Local History & Museum Society was set up by Tring Town Council with the aim of getting a museum started.
In February 1945 Mike Tomlinson was just seven years old, and lived with his mother (his father was away serving in the RAF) in Astrope Lane, which leads down from the Queens Head pub at the crossroads in Long Marston.
The story behind the memorial to remember the crew. by Peter Walker
23rd January 2011 saw a significant milestone in the history of Long Marston Cricket Club. It was on this day in 1961 that the trust deeds for the ground were signed by four members of the club, securing the transfer of Marlins field to LMCC.
A rural parish is not likely to host very many bridge openings in its history, so it was appropriate that a ceremony was organised to inaugurate the splendid new footbridge over the Aylesbury Arm of the canal at Wilstone.
The pumping station at Little Tring is a substantial building, much altered over the years since it opened in 1817. British Waterways have plans to refurbish the historic Tringford pumping station at Little Tring, and make it a base for their local operations crew.
During the war the older lads of the village were used as runners – taking messages between Puttenham church tower, where there was a lookout point, and the Queen’s Head which, so my husband told me, was the command post.
I recently asked the editor of Village News if I could maybe tell a tale of life in the village long before us kids had the gadgets and technology that are so common place in most households these days.
During the 1800’s, the Gregory family lived at The Rose & Crown Inn in Long Marston (now The Rose and Crown Cottage), and the far left-hand end of the building was used as a butcher’s shop, with the old wooden garages (as they are today) being used as the slaughter house.
Right. Get fell in! Atten-shun! Right dress! Eyes front. Stand at ease. Stand easy.
In the June 2009 issue of Village News I related some condensed extracts from the memoirs of Edward Bell, a Tring man and engineer who worked for 49 years on the local stretch of the Grand Junction Canal.
A hundred years of the Half Moon pub in Wilstone were represented when family members of previous publicans visited recently.
A request in the April 2009 Village News from Professor Timothy Peters regarding information on the Wendover Arm and the Woodhouse family, caused me to look through some old articles about the Grand Junction Canal.
Last Autumn Teresa and I attended a fund raising talk showing recently discovered photographs. Tring’s local history exhibition was the target. A local politician was the speaker. The photographs were wonderful, but the jokey, sarcastic remarks about Tring families got very irritating. In fact I had to have a word.
Send in your photos, stories, documents and we’ll get them added!