Kelly’s Post Office Directory
These are a few extracts from the entry for Tring in Kelly’s directory:
These are a few extracts from the entry for Tring in Kelly’s directory:
When we first set up this website nearly a year ago, one of our earliest decisions was to encourage feedback. This was for two reasons; firstly because interaction is an important factor in long term success; secondly because we knew that we would not get everything right first time.
Sunday 13 March saw the official opening of the Tring Local History Museum, 17 years after the Tring & District Local History & Museum Society was set up by Tring Town Council with the aim of getting a museum started.
I recently asked the editor of Village News if I could maybe tell a tale of life in the village long before us kids had the gadgets and technology that are so common place in most households these days.
Right. Get fell in! Atten-shun! Right dress! Eyes front. Stand at ease. Stand easy.
In the June 2009 issue of Village News I related some condensed extracts from the memoirs of Edward Bell, a Tring man and engineer who worked for 49 years on the local stretch of the Grand Junction Canal.
A hundred years of the Half Moon pub in Wilstone were represented when family members of previous publicans visited recently.
A request in the April 2009 Village News from Professor Timothy Peters regarding information on the Wendover Arm and the Woodhouse family, caused me to look through some old articles about the Grand Junction Canal.
Last Autumn Teresa and I attended a fund raising talk showing recently discovered photographs. Tring’s local history exhibition was the target. A local politician was the speaker. The photographs were wonderful, but the jokey, sarcastic remarks about Tring families got very irritating. In fact I had to have a word.
Wilstone today is a thriving village. Its people generally have a good standard of living and enjoy quite a comfortable lifestyle. However this has not always been the case.
Send in your photos, stories, documents and we’ll get them added!