Branch line to Marston Gate: revealed

What else can be seen today of the former branch line to Aylesbury

David Mead’s story “Wagon train for Marston Gate” (Village News, October 2007), and the photos of Marston Gate and Cheddington stations found by editor Colin Moore to go with it, made me wonder what else can be seen today of the former branch line to Aylesbury.

Passing Cheddington station recently I got out of the car to have a look. And there it was for all to see – the first section of the line to Marston Gate. In fact I did not even have to get out of the car, because the track bed of the branch line has been re-used as the entry road to the station car park! Though the original station buildings are long gone, replaced with a rather unattractive modern block, the platform is still there (behind the gate in this picture) and is used by Network Rail as a sort of depot for road vehicles.

As you stand at the steel gate on the old track to Aylesbury you are standing on the exact spot where, on 9th August 1963, the mail train which had been held up at gunpoint in “The Great Train Robbery” was guarded during the police investigation.

Article appeared in the Village News December 2007 page 14. Trainspotters’ Corner

TRH Note: You can actually see the imprint of the branch line from Aylesbury to Cheddington Station on the local landscape via Google maps

This article is an extract from previous issue of the Village News. Any mention to events in the article have probably long since passed and are for information only.

Village News December 2007

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